Glenda was right. When she told me in April 2007 that it will take "at least 8 months" to recover from groin injury.
When I heard that I thought that she was nuts, crazy, lunatic - why the hell I would be out for so long, because of this 'little' groin problem?
Glenda is my physio therapist. I met her in 2002, when I injured my left foot on Garneau clay. By playing tennis. Foot therapy lasted almost 4 months, but I still feel pain sometimes, when there is a big weather change. Next time I saw her in July 2004 - just a month before the Death Race - this time I injured my right foot. She had a tough job to make me fit in 3 weeks, so I could do the best (and craziest) race in the world. And she did- she made it, I made it. I guess, it was a double win, for Glenda, for me, and also my mind recorded the win - over matter.
And the last time I saw her, it was 325 days ago. Well, it was not really last time, it was my last injury and first appointment, and I hope when I see Glenda next time, it won't be because I am injured. It really sucks to be injured. With stupid groin injury. I could not believe that it would take so long to finally feel better - Glenda knew it, because she's treated numerous hockey players who were unlucky to injure their groins. And, I am not talking about 'groin'. I am talking about 'aine', 'prepona', 'leiste'...
I am planning to start running once I am back from Asia, and that will be in July, so I will be ready for some races in October. I hope I will be ready.
I have a new lucky number. It is 325.