Fear mongering (or scaremongering or scare tactics) is the use of fear to influence the opinions and actions of others towards some specific end. The feared object or subject is sometimes exaggerated, and the pattern of fear mongering is usually one of repetition, in order to continuously reinforce the intended effects of this tactic, sometimes in the form of a vicious circle.
(from Wikipedia)
There will be provincial elections in Alberta on May 5th, and it seems it will be
an interesting one.
The party that has been in power since August 30th, 1971 is not doing well this time. The polls are saying that they are behind other parties, and that they need a miracle in order to win again.
Someone might ask what has happened so that there is a condition for possible change.
It seems that good people of Alberta have realized, after so many decades, that
something was wrong and that people who have been ruling them are not people who are competent anymore to rule them.
Someone might ask how you can be competent to "rule". Alberta is a land of free, and democracy enables people in power to serve, not to rule.
But in Alberta it is different.
The ruling class has been ruling for a very long time. More than 4 decades now.
And of course, they don't want to lose power. When you ask them why they do what they do, their answer is:"I like doing it". And then if you think that they really enjoy working on something useful not only for themselves but also for everyone else's benefit, you are actually wrong. They "love it" only because they love power.
And they won't give it up easily.
As they are losing grounds even in the strongholds of their ideology, as good,
hardworking people of Alberta want better future for their children, they are using proven methods of fear mongering to tell us to vote for their buddies again.
They have been telling us that they are smart and competent and that we shouldn't use our brains. They are the establishment and they deserve to rule us.
They will tell us what to do and we must follow them.
Because, they and people that they want us to vote for, are all 'buddies'. They all belong to this exclusive club, "old boys club". They are the elite and they deserve to tell us how to think. They are "business men".
And they really believe in that. They believe that they are superior to everyone, especially to those who think differently.
Math is tough for us.
None of these simpletons ask the seminal questions as to why the people of Alberta don't want their rulers to rule them anymore, or better to say, why the people of Alberta are fighting back.
These "businessmen" and some of local MPs propagate these twisted, totally
one-sided distortions of economic "ethics" and prosperity.
Everyone who wants change, who wants something different, becomes an evil-
doer, becomes a destroyer of the economy.
Evildoers are all who think with their heads and are sensitive human beings.
When I think about Evil, it is not what they've done that is Evil, not even their
fear mongering.
The only Evil would be to stay silent and accept status quo.
(from Wikipedia)
There will be provincial elections in Alberta on May 5th, and it seems it will be
an interesting one.
The party that has been in power since August 30th, 1971 is not doing well this time. The polls are saying that they are behind other parties, and that they need a miracle in order to win again.
Someone might ask what has happened so that there is a condition for possible change.
It seems that good people of Alberta have realized, after so many decades, that
something was wrong and that people who have been ruling them are not people who are competent anymore to rule them.
Someone might ask how you can be competent to "rule". Alberta is a land of free, and democracy enables people in power to serve, not to rule.
But in Alberta it is different.
The ruling class has been ruling for a very long time. More than 4 decades now.
And of course, they don't want to lose power. When you ask them why they do what they do, their answer is:"I like doing it". And then if you think that they really enjoy working on something useful not only for themselves but also for everyone else's benefit, you are actually wrong. They "love it" only because they love power.
And they won't give it up easily.
As they are losing grounds even in the strongholds of their ideology, as good,
hardworking people of Alberta want better future for their children, they are using proven methods of fear mongering to tell us to vote for their buddies again.
They have been telling us that they are smart and competent and that we shouldn't use our brains. They are the establishment and they deserve to rule us.
They will tell us what to do and we must follow them.
They believe that they guide us, that they create jobs, that they lead all of us and that we are sheep. THEY CREATE JOBS. ONLY THEY ARE JOBS CREATORS. They are God given entities who are economics geniuses. Only THEY can give us prosperity. So that we have to vote for same people who mismanaged this great country.Because, they and people that they want us to vote for, are all 'buddies'. They all belong to this exclusive club, "old boys club". They are the elite and they deserve to tell us how to think. They are "business men".
And they really believe in that. They believe that they are superior to everyone, especially to those who think differently.
Math is tough for us.
![]() |
(Some of) Economics geniuses |
There is no shortage of simpletons in Alberta whose minds are warped by this belief system. We have been electing them, for years. They populate the board rooms of all important business and all of the organizations on the right. They watch Fox News and believe it. They have little understanding or curiosity about the world outside their insular communities. They are proud of their ignorance and anti-intellectualism. They simplify everything. They prefer drinking beer and watching hockey to reading a book. And when they get into power—they already control the Parliament, the corporate world, most of the media and the economy machine—and they have this binary vision of good (business) and evil (anything that takes care of people and nature and doesn't make profit) and their myopic self-adulation has caused severe trouble for this beautiful land and its hard working people.None of these simpletons ask the seminal questions as to why the people of Alberta don't want their rulers to rule them anymore, or better to say, why the people of Alberta are fighting back.
These "businessmen" and some of local MPs propagate these twisted, totally
one-sided distortions of economic "ethics" and prosperity.
Everyone who wants change, who wants something different, becomes an evil-
doer, becomes a destroyer of the economy.
Evildoers are all who think with their heads and are sensitive human beings.
Our rulers insist that anyone else on the helm of this wonderful province is going to destroy it. Their inability to self-reflect allows them to deny the fact that their ruling buddies have failed to bring prosperity to Albertans, except to their own kind.When I think about Evil, it is not what they've done that is Evil, not even their
fear mongering.
The only Evil would be to stay silent and accept status quo.