Much of that was brilliant. It took me some time to realize that this art that opened my eyes was created by people who didn't belong to so called "mainstream" movement. They were real artists, their creations were not measurable, they resisted to become drones.
In order to really assess what North America was, I had to see and experience it with my own eyes. I had to live a life in North America to paint a real picture. This real picture, it turned out was not pretty. It was quite opposite to what was presented by the drones who were supported and created by North American regimes.
My brilliant friends have been opposing North American regimes. They have been very lonely in their quest. At the same time they have been very resilient. They've taught me that I should never want to belong to the majority, because by definition, there were already too many people there. On the other hand, minority was the right spot for me.

Through the years, I have been tempted to question everything I've learned before I came to North America. I've been also tempted to question everything I've learned from brilliant North Americans.
The regime wanted me to believe that "greed was good', that there were enemies in every part of the world, and that every other part of the world was inhabited by terrorists. This regime also wanted me to betray real skills that I inherited from my parents and my family - they've never liked my honesty, genuineness and my maturity. They wanted me to lie, to be fake and arrogant, and naive. They wanted me to be unattached.
They wanted me to blindly believe in their freedom and their democracy, in their buzz words and their creations.
They wanted me to see Iranian, Cuban, Russian, Chinese, North Korean, Bolivian, Belarus, Palestinian people as enemies. They've spread lies about these people, and they wanted me to hate them.

I learned what was 'right', what was 'left', and I learned why they have been talking so much about 'freedom' and 'democracy'.
The more they pushed with their propaganda, the more I questioned their motives. I started learning on my own. I started learning who real enemies actually were. I resisted this "amusement to death". I stopped watching their media, only using it for entertainment and to collect proofs about North American regimes crimes.
Real artists that I've learned from continued to deliver their astonishing work, and I was pretty lucky to befriend some of them. However, there were less and less of them - they've got replaced by the regime 'artists'. I knew that the regime has become nervous.
In the meantime, something happened in the land of freedom and democracy. Their own people started getting real motives of their regime masters. These people have been asleep for many years, but now, it seemed, they started waking up.
They've finally got it. They started their revolution to overthrow the regime.
The regime got confused and didn't understand what was going on. I expected that, as drones cannot understand artists.
I was raised to believe that there was justice, equality, and freedom. I lived through that before I came to North America. I was pure and I was not poisoned. The regime tried to pollute me, and tried to enslave me.
They wanted me to be like their drones.

However, I was lucky and smart to recognize regimes intentions. I was lucky to meet all those artists who helped me resist the regime.
Last night we've seen Kristallnacht again, and we've seen some of regime's soldiers. That was one of the first tipping points that will trigger more tipping points. That was start of the end of this North American regime.
Force, called people with hearts and brains started their historic mission. There is no way back. Point of no return has been crossed. The regime still doesn't get it, and when it finally gets it, it will be late. Their heads will roll.
Idea which time has come is here, and it will stay here. No force will be able to stop it. Not even all mighty power that is in regime's hands will be sufficient to stop the outcome of this idea.
It is now clear to me why I came here at first place. I am here to help overthrow the regime. Good thing is that I know how. I know that all artists will join in this fight.
That's what this life expected from me.